Miscellaneous Insurance

Key-man/Share Holder Protection Insurance.
Key person insurance (also known as key-man insurance) protects your company and ensures continuity in the event of serious illness or death of key personnel. Shareholder protection insurance protects the financial security, stability and continuity of a limited company or partnership in the event of the death or serious illness of a shareholder/ director or partner.
Product liability insurance
also known as general liability is usually included as part of a public liability insurance policy. It is designed for professionals who supply products to their customers or to members of the public.
Product liability insurance protects against claims of personal injury or property damage caused by products sold or supplied through your business. It is designed to help protect your business by ensuring that if this happens, you don’t have to pay any legal or court costs.
Medical Malpractice insurance
is a type of professional liability insurance purchased by health care professionals (and sometimes by other types of professionals, such as lawyers). This insurance coverage protects health care providers against patients who file suit against them under the complaint that they were harmed by the physician’s negligent or intentionally harmful treatment decisions.
Wedding insurance
is a type of event insurance that protects you from losses that may happen due to various factors, such as: unforeseen events causing damage or injury at a wedding, external event(s) beyond your control that may prevent your wedding from occurring, extreme weather, and problems with the venue or vendors.
Money insurance
policy provides cover for loss of money in transit between the insured’s premises, bank and other specified places occasioned by robbery, theft or any other fortuitous cause. It also provides cover for loss of money in the business premises, safe or vault, etc.
Ship repairers’ liability insurance
is responsible for watercraft and equipment in their care, custody and control, as well as damage to third party property and personal injury, arising in the course of their operations. Our ship repairers liability insurance provides cover for legal liability that arises in the course of a ship repair business
Fidelity Guarantee Insurance
The policy is designed to protect the Insured against fraudulent or dishonest act(s) committed by the employees in the course of the employment for their financial gain, which result in a financial loss to the Insured.
Kidnap And Ransom Cover
A type of insurance that covers losses arising from the kidnap and holding for ransom of a corporate employee or from the threat to do harm to a person or to certain property if a ransom is not paid. Accordingly, special crime policies are also termed “kidnap, ransom, and extortion” insurance.
Directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance
is insurance coverage intended to protect individuals from personal losses if they are sued as a result of serving as a director or an officer of a business or other type of organization. It can also cover the legal fees and other costs the organization may incur as a result of such a suit.
Professional Indemnity
is a commercial policy designed to protect businesses in the event that a client deems work produced or professional advice provided as inadequate. Indemnity cover, or professional liability insurance, will prevent you from suffering a financial loss when defending or settling the claim.
Banker’s blanket bond (BBB)
is a fidelity bond purchased from an insurance broker that protects a bank against losses from a variety of criminal acts carried out by employees. Some states require blanket bond coverage as a condition of operating a bank.
Banker’s blanket bond is also known as a blanket fidelity bond.
Credit Insurance
is a type of insurance policy purchased by a borrower that pays off one or more existing debts in the event of a death, disability, or in rare cases, unemployment. Credit insurance is marketed most often as a credit card feature, with the monthly cost charging a low percentage of the card’s unpaid balance.
Workmen Compensation
Financial support system established under law to provide income, medical care, and rehabilitation to employees for illness, injury, or death arising out of, and in the course of, their employment whether or not the employee was at fault. These benefits are claimed by the employees (or their dependents) as a matter of right and the employer cannot resort to any legal defence. Amount paid as compensation is based on the salary of the employee (also on the number of his or her dependents in some jurisdictions) and is usually subject to a specified maximum. In most countries, this system is compulsory although agricultural and domestic workers are generally excluded.